Wilderness Publications is the publishing department of Voice in the Wilderness.
VOICE IN THE WILDERNESS WAS FIRST ESTABLISHED IN 1992, and has been raised up by the Lord Jesus Christ to preach the Everlasting Gospel. We work to fully utilise our resources, and maximise the capabilities that God has graciously given to us, through unceasing biblically based research, education, development, and outreach activity.
In accordance to this, in 1996 Wilderness Publications was established to publish the truth through the professional printed page, and in 2003, Wilderness Productions through the established electronic media.
Voice in the Wilderness believes the following:-
Between 2009 and 2010 Wilderness Publications acquired a complete in-house Digital Print Shop with Perfect Binding, Folding, and Stapling facilities, and an Industrial Laminating Machine. This has enabled the ministry to produce high quality books, tracts, brochures and leaflets on demand, whether it be for the local church, the needs in the surrounding community, or book orders from overseas.
As a tribute to all who have helped to support this ministry over the years, in the spirit of true Christian love, we would like to say thank you. This on-line book store testifies to how, through His divine power, God’s love has brought His natural graces of wisdom, beauty, excellence, and power to our lives.
May the Lord richly bless you all.
Voice in the Wilderness