Unique in that even though it covers only 93 pages from cover to cover, it contains an incredible amount of information. Written by another Adventist pioneer, J. N. Loughborough, in 1857, this book proves through the scriptures and historical evidence that the United States of America is the Two-Horned Beast of Revelation 13.
The reader is taken back in history to the time when the country was in its infancy, and shown how the time of its rise, location, manner of its rise, and description, all harmonise with the two-horned beast represented in Revelation 13. The author also gives a study on the Constitution, reveals how many so-called Protestant Churches at that time supported slavery, and warns how America, as revealed in Bible prophecy, will make an image to the beast.
Also included is an extensive appendix that shows what the number 666 is, and a study on the beginning and ending of the 1260 years of papal supremacy.
Paperback: 93 pages
Publisher: Wilderness Publications
ISBN 13: 978-09535577-6-9