Will The King of the North Invade The Holy City?
A study on the prophecy of the King of the North as mentioned in the book of Daniel chapter 11. Written by Louis Were, the author reveals how this prophecy gives a message of victory for God’s remnant church.
It shows how the activities of the King of the North are seen as the same as those of the beast in the Revelation, and includes studies on the Glorious Holy Mountain, Paul’s application of the prophecy of the King of the North to the Papacy, Why Jesus is given the Second Advent Title, “The King of Kings and Lord of Lords”, when the King of the North enters the Glorious Land, where the Glorious Land is, why the Lord directs us to a specific place in Daniel 11:45, and when the King of the North comes to his end.
Paperback: 88 pages
Publisher: Wilderness Publications
ISBN 13: 978-09535577-3-8