Relative To Solitary Vice And The Abuses And Excesses Of The Marriage Relation
This book, edited in 1870 by James White, deals in no uncertain terms with the evils of self-abuse (masturbation) and sexual excess in marriage. It comprehensively gives the vital knowledge and information that every family needs to know upon these subjects.
It defines what chastity is, what causes unchastity, explains about solitary vice and licentiousness, and the effect that these have upon the family and individual.
This book also explains in great detail what the abuse of the sexual function does to both sexes, listing the effects that it has upon the internal organs of the human body, and how a good diet plays a major part in helping to keep the sexual function under control.
The counsels given in this book are of use for all ages, and, as fitting as any good Christian book, A Solemn Appeal not only points out the causes and effects of existing evils, but it gives clear and practical instruction about how to be cleansed from them all.
Paperback: 272 pages
Publisher: Wilderness Publications
ISBN 13: 978-09535577-7-6