The march of ecumenism seems unstoppable. From its humble roots after the First World War, with the formation of the Faith and Order Movement at Edinburgh University, Scotland, and the Life and Work Movement at Oxford University, England, to the formation of the World Council of Churches in 1948 in Amsterdam, the Ecumenical Movement has gained breath-taking momentum. Further impetus to the movement was provided by the Second Vatican Council 1962-1964. It would seem that only a handful of small church groups have continued to resist the power of this movement.
The movement has gained great support from political elements and in recent decades it has widened its vision to incorporate all Christian and non-Christian religions under its umbrella.
The goals of this ecumenical movement are noble: the uniting together of people of the world to bring peace, harmony and unity to a world that for millennia has been fragmented.
The authors of this book take a calm but forthright approach in their analysis of the goals, methodology and the likelihood of success of this movement. They have not been persuaded by the public opinion, neither by the sophisticated reasoning of protagonists or antagonists of the movement. Rather they have analyzed this movement in the light of the unity principles clearly enunciated in Holy Scripture.
From this analysis they draw the startling conclusions that: 1) This movement has no possibility of success in achieving its goals; 2) The failure to achieve these goals will lead to the abridgement of religious liberty; 3) Those who reject the ecumenical juggernaut will be faithful servants of God; 4) Ultimately this movement will form the foundation for persecution of dissenters. The repression of conscience will exceed in intensity the persecutions of all previous eras.
The authors demonstrate that the Holy Scriptures plainly set forth the ecumenical movement as a deception of Satan. This book merits careful consideration by the architects of the ecumenical movement and Christians persuaded to support the movement’s faulted objectives.
Paperback: 416 pages
Publisher: Hartland Publications
ISBN 10: 0923309772
ISBN 13: 978-0923309770